
S0undtracks-0f-Ghouli3s - BANNED MEMBERS
Read this please
Okay, if you checked my blog, in particluary comments, you saw that Industrial Cocktail and Greg were back to shitting the blog again.
Greg has insulted and attacked everyone at Isbum's Place a while ago. And also at ScoreBaby.
And now, he's currently attacking everyone at "You don't have to visit this blog".
He loves using my name and also the name of my friend (Breton Girl), to post vulgarities, sexualities, etc ...
Here's the page of his biggest exploits (he insults us, he write stupidities, he lies, etc ...)
Not Greg has created a blog to distrubes Greg, because it's the same as Soundtrack Rarities, but even, funnier than the Greg's one.
To view the blog, click on Not Greg. I love this blog ! ^^
Okay, now you know who is Greg, a mad-man wich likes attacking everybody there, and in many others places.
He always post anonymously, when he say vulgarities. He's really a poor and bad guy ! Don't you think ?
I still got a message from him this morning, in my language, the French. He said "parles à mon cul, baises toi clochard, etc ...".
And when we choose to ignore him, he post many things to provokes us, so the war continues ...
NEWS 08/21
Recently, he has choosen to change of place (from YDHTVTB to Omega's blog) !
Here's the page of his new exploits, good laugh my friends ! :-)
NEWS 08/22
Today, he has choosen a new place to attack everyone (including me), this is at Breton Bitch's Bullshit blog, there.
And a good new, the blog Soundtrack Rarities is dead !!! What a great new, don't you think ? :-)
But unfortunately, Not Greg has closed his funny blog too ...
I still have news, Breton Bitch made an article in his blog wich might interest you, if you hate Greg like us : HERE.
This strange man isn't like you think, "a good guy who was sharing pretty soundtracks in his died blog "...
He attacked me in my blog, because to him, I stolen his rip from "The Hills Have Eyes", without giving credits. But when I downloaded it, I was sure that it was a rip, but I did not know who was the ripper.
So, of course, he added vulgarities, and he agressed me to tell me that.
But when his blog still existed, there were two rips wich were mine, and he never gave credits for them, and me, I never posted anything to say "IT'S MY RIP ! GIVE CREDITS, BULLS**T !". I just left, without say any word (I don't complain, I am not stupid only for that !).
And he also said that I stole a rip of Horrorscores, because he saw "Amityville II: The Possession", there and in the Horrorscore's blog.
Without any proofs, he accused me to having stolen his rip, and to having persuaded that it was mine !
Firstly, dialogues from my rip are french, Horrorscore's ones are English. Covers aren't the same.
Secondly, my tracks numbers isn't the same as Horrorscore's rip (etc ... there are many others proofs !).
I haven't told you everything about those two guys, but believe me, they are both really biggest liar I ever knew ...
41 commentaires:
Bonne idée d'avoir posté ça. ;)
Check out my new blog:
Là, greg, vient de faire une grosse erreur! S'il s'était contenté de le poster dans les commentaires de YDHTV, sa merde serait passé quasi inaperçu... seulement voilà, avec la vieille pastèque creuse surdimensionne qui lui sert de tête, il a aussi posté ça ailleurs. Pas seulement sur ton blog, mais sur ce qui doit être le plus fréquenté du circuit (et où là les gens m'apprécie): celui d'Isbum! Quelque chose me dit que ça va lui revenir en pleine poire comme un boomerang, et là je jubilerais!
Au fait, merci pour tes réponses, ici et sur le blog de Nomwl1! :)
Oui, justement je t'ai laissé un message sur FFSHRINE à propos de ça.
J'espères que son nouveau blog va crevé, et lui avec !
Il a posté son blog ici, à Isbum, à YDHTVTB, et peut-être encore ailleurs, non ?
On va poster dans son blog des trucs pour le faire chier, ça te dit ?
Et on va dire à tout le monde dans Isbum que c'est en fait Greg le créateur du site, tu veux bien ? :-)
Comme ça, sa réputation sera foutue (ou presque !), j'ai déjà rajouté dans mon article son new blog en disant que c'était lui le créateur.
a +
Pour ma part, je vais laisser les choses se faire... Si je dit quelque chose, il va trouver un nouveau truc pour m'attaquer! Avant de poster ces obscénités, il s'en prenait à mon age mental en me disant que j'avais 2 ans d'age mental (wouarf, profond!)... J'ai trouvé la parade avec ma réplique en language bébé (une amie ricaine m'ai aidée), et c'est depuis ce temps qu'il s'en prend encore plus à moi! Pour le blog d'Isbum, je pense que les membres reconnaitront assez vite son style, ne t'en fait pas. :p
En temps normal je suis plutôt du genre à répondre, mais là je vais laisser la nature suivre son cours, quelque chose me dit qu'il y aura du répondant de la part de plusieurs personnes... ;)
SCANNERS post no work plsease upload make it ready for download by user
report Greg to FBI as he is terrorist activity
I didn't manage to upload Scanners yet, sorry. When I get free time, I'll upload it :-).
As for Greg, yes, I would love to report him at Blogger's team, to ban him.
@ Breton Girl :
Oui, j'espères que tout le monde sera contre lui.
J'ai eu ton message dans FFShrine, et tu dit qu'il aurait posté dans son blog comme si c'était un inconnu qui visité, en utilisant le nom de Classicus Modernus ?
Il est vraiment cinglé si c'est le cas, car de poster des appréciations à lui-même, et ensuite de se répondre, c'est vraiment un truc incroyable !
Pour le moment, personne ne fait attention à son post dans Isbum's Place, et as-tu vu qu'il s'est encore fait passé pour la victime dans YDHTVTB ?
Il fait croire qu'il vient de découvrir tous les posts, qu'ont l'a traité pour rien, que c'était un anonyme qui utilisait son nom, etc ... Et il nous a encore traité de tous les noms !
Pourtant ce matin il a posté des trucs pour me traité, en Français. Il sait que je suis français, il a aussi posté des trucs de sex avec nos noms, comme il l'avait déjà fait une fois, et il a aussi fait un blog aujourd'hui, mais soit disant, il n'est pas venu dans Blogger depuis un moment, depuis 2 minutes peut-être, non ? lol =)
Sinon, tu veux que j'efface son post (celui au-dessus, le 2éme), où tu veux que je le garde en preuve dans mon blog ?
Pour greg, je confirme, il est cinglé! Il yoyotte grave, je n'ai rien vu depuis 2 heures (je regardais un dvd), mais j'ai eu le temps de voir qu'il avait posté deux fois, la deuxième pour dire que le message précédent n'est pas du lui! C'est risible, il fait ça depuis des lustres, Nomwl1 lui même l'a mis à jour (alors qu'il était au départ le premier à ne pas croire que greg pouvait faire ça), et malgré tout l'autre andouille continue de nier!
Au fait, garde son message comme preuve, au moins pendant un temps, ça peut toujours servir...
Pour ce qui est d'Isbum, personne ne dit rien (ce qui ne veut pas dire que ce n'est pas remarqué), mais les posteurs sont plutôt des "jeunes" dans l'univers des scores blogs...
Et sinon, pour ce qui est de Constantino (ça m'évitera de t'envoyer un pm en plus), je ne crois pas qu'il connaisse greg, il est relativement "frais" dans la communauté et est arrivé à une époque où YDHTV partait déjà en couille... C'est ce qui me fait hésiter à lui signaler le post, il faudrait deux plombes pour expliquer la chose!
Excusez-moi, mais que le poste de constantino à mon blog est authentique.
Essayez juste de cliquer sur son profil. Désolé de cela.
Je fournis simplement une plate-forme à une ironie acide.
Je ne suis pas contre vous.
Venez la visite quelque temps.
Vous êtes invités.
Au revoir.
@ Breton Girl :
Okay, je garderai son message. Mais regarde en bas d ton poste, il a reposté en Français, mais ça se voit qu'il a utilisé un traducteur, car j'ai du mal à comprendre ce qu'il dit.
Mais il parle de Constantino, donc je pense qe tu devrais lui en parler.
Et j'ai aussi penser à un truc, que je te dirait dans FFShrine, car l'autre con peut traduire nos textes en Anglais.
@ Greg (Breton Bitch) :
By trying to speak French, you're really ridiculous you know ...
I don't understand anything.
You only used a translator, than me, I never used a translator to speak English.
You're a "bitch" like your blog say it.
You should stop that right now, because I don't believe that you aren't Greg, okay ?
@ greg: a profile means nothing, you could easily post in "other" with a weblink for Constantino profile. And if you want so much to post in french, BabelFish isnot a good translator, a french will not write/talk like you do!
And when you say you're not greg, i'm not trust you! greg act too much like this since ages (and there's some proofs in anonymous posts that it was in fact greg the poster), and your disturbed behaviour is also against you, you dickhead!
Yeah, Breton Girl is right.
And there's only you to threat Breton Girl of Breton Bitch, nobody will create a blog called Breton Bitch's Bullshit !
All those insults come from the Greg's vocabulary.
Your blog is really a shit, like the first "SOUNDTRACK RARITIES".
And you're mad to post comments at yourself, in your own second blog by using the Constantino's name.
You stop right now to post in my blog, and also everywhere !!!
greg, you must spend some time at watching uranus, it'll give you great pleasure!
Je viens te lire ton commentaire sur le blog de nomwl1, excellent!
Visiblement, on est tous les deux convaincus à 99,99% que BB et greg ne font qu'un! Bien sûr, il reste le 0,01%, mais le style d'écriture du post ressemble trop à celui de greg pour être clair...
Oui, merci.
Tu devrais poster à ton tour le message que tu m'as proposé dans FFShrine, je t'ai répondu dans le forum.
Et ajoutes si tu peux en Anglais, "pourquoi est-ce qu'elle/il a du mal à parler Français, et qu'elle/il utilise un traducteur, si il/elle vit en France ?"
Car tu regarderas, son profil affiche "vit en france".
Et ajoutes aussi : comment a-t-elle/il rencontré Greg, qui lui vit en Angleterre ou aux USA ?"
Ce serait cool si tu pouvait répondre ça :-), merci !
Effectivement, le profile affiche "vit en france"... Et 3 de mes réponses avec greg (dont une où j'ai oublié un n en le postant, j'ai tapé trop vite) sont mixés en une seule, et passent pour être une créetion de BB! Je doit avouer que je n'en ai pas l'exclusivité, une amie ricaine m'a aidée pour la seconde partie du language bébé, mais en tout cas ça ne vient pas de BB!
Salut mes amies,
ok, I hope this isn't a bad trick of you two.
I really am not Greg.
I have been around the usual soundtrackblogs for quite a while anonymously and sometimes with nick. I know what Greg did at YDHTVTB for the last how many months.
I have left a comments for breton girl before once or twice anonymously in which I tell Greg he is a "fascist women hater".
I haven't visited YDHTVTB much after Nomwl1's post in which he disguised the spammer as Greg, but I found lots of activity a while ago when Not Greg finally started his blog.
There were some long anonymous comments suggesting to stop posting about Greg and they gave me the idea of the "breton bitch blog", so we can stop this at YDHTVTB and maybe take it to my blog where we can freely bash Greg all we like without offending the hosts (like Nom or isbum).
So, if Greg posts at isbum's again, post your anger at MY blog, not Nomwl's, because Nomwl was sick and rarely has access to a computer and he thus can't clean up his blog, but I can and will react immediately and since I am a "bitch" I can insult Greg without worries.
I am willing to "sacrifice" my blog to be the arena for this Greg-problem, so that Nomwl can get his blog back to the nr.1!
But of course parts of my identity are clearly fake.
I do not live in France, but another european country nearby.
As far as I know, Greg is from the US!
It would be very difficult to pretend I'm french, because my french is pretty bad, I could never express myself in french and I blew it with the use of a translator (actually you gave me this idea when you suggested Greg use a translator to understand your rules-comments).
I just hoped I could uphold that cover longer ;p
I also thought posting in french would make it more difficult for Greg to follow what I tell you.
I wanted him for a time to think someone has come to help him attack Breton Girl, but he'll find out "breton bitch" will attack Greg!
"Breton Bitch" is not a real person, but a half-fake online personality created partly out of Greg's dirty fantasies that he has posted throughout YDHTVTB, partly of things I know about breton girl and partly of my actual personality. I guess my true self will slip through in time anyways.
Some of the things he insulted breton girl with I've taken to my "Bitch's" profile, that's why I'm supposedly interested mostly in "sex" , "trolling" and those movies I list, although I actually do enjoy sex and like some of those movies for real. I am creating the "breton bitch", a bi-sexual trolling feminist from France just like Greg imagines it. She is going to be his nightmare! I am actually dissappointed that Greg has not yet left any comment at my blog, because I so clearly tease him.
I am amazed that he can resist it so long, because I sent him an invitation just like you, so he knows. He did erase his vampire-picture from image-shack though (if that is any proof to you?), luckily I saved a copy of his pic and re-linked.
You are right my blog is also a reaction to Not Greg's, but NOT revenge on him. I actually like Not Greg's blog and I am glad he finally launched it after he warned Greg several times. I wonder if Not Greg is maybe Khan?
I enjoyed some of Khan's sarcasm and miss it.
I admit, it was fun for two days that you think I'm Greg, fun because it shows that Greg really has made you paranoid.
Maybe that's not so funny, but rather sad after all.
So that's why I'd like you to believe that I'm not Greg now.
Seriously, if you look at my blog with some "fun" and humor you'll find it offends Greg A LOT MORE than breton girl. Breton Girl, I think you are able to see what I really do at my blog. We have some things in common, that's why I like you and the "breton bitch" is designed to direct Greg's hatred against it. Right now Greg is probably laughing his ass off, because you think he created this blog. You give him all the credit, but I did it. If I wanted to hurt you like Greg, wouldn't I call myself "breton c**t" and post a really ugly picture and wouldn't I make bad jokes about the male aggression that you had to suffer in the real world like he did continuously at YDHTVTB with the posts about sex and vulgar spam?
I haven't done any of that.
Instead, I post Julia Kristeva as Hero!the only thing offensive is the "breton Bitch"-nickname and that comment about the cattle prod, but all this is designed to make Greg angry, not you!
You are supposed to enjoy it rather.
How do you think Greg feels if we team up?
The constantino-comment I honestly did not fake. If it is fake, it was not me. I think maybe constantino understood my intentions.
Maybe he doesn't like breton girl, I don't know. Maybe, Greg faked his comment.
I didn't.
Have you asked him?
I wish there were more comments.
So, what do you think?
If you want to know something specific about me, just ask.
What kind of proof could I give you that Greg couldn't fake?
Well, my blog hasn't enabled anonymous comments as Greg would.
I will either erase or reply to offensive comments unless they are against Greg! Negative comments against Greg I will cheer!
I speak a european language Greg is unlikely to speak, but if I post something in that language you might think I used a translator again, unless any of you speak another european language (well, you are french the chances are pretty high actually!)
Would you accept that as proof?
Make sure Greg can't see I wrote you this!
See you.
Ghoulies said:
You posted "Check out my blog" only in blogs that you hate (mine, there and Isbum). A newcomer (particulary a bitch like you pretend to be) always post at every blogs to say "go to my blog please, it is new !".
But you only choosen blogs where Greg made war.
And you also put a link to this page (incredibly long essay), the most famous Greg's exploits are there !! Strange, huh ?
Right, But my Blog is pretty much designed for people who know Greg. As of now I haven't got too much to offer than Greg-related stuff and the polls. So I only posted links at blogs who know Greg and have suffered from him. Without knowing Greg and what went on here, my blog isn't gonna make any sense, so that's why I linked to YDHTV and isbum and you. I have added more interesting links for the other visitors who might pop in accidentally and I will add more links soon.
Ok, great!
Now you've made my elaborate comments visible for everyone (also Greg), after all, even after you said you wouldn't at YDHTVTB.
Good going, guys, you catch the spirit quickly. You bitched the bitch! ;p
Anyways, I could erase those comments, like Greg would, but it should be clear to everyone in his/her right mind that I ain't that damned Greg.
It was already clear by visiting my blog.
Well, Greg knows he isn't me, at least. ;p
He will react eventually, probably as soon as he finds out you don't take ME for Greg anymore.
As for Ghoulies "proof" that linking to Nom's essay makes me Greg, I remember seing a link to that on this blog right here...;P
To make Ghoulies happy, I have advertised my blog some more to get the traffic going and through my polls find out where the BB blog is going in the future. Looks like there's want for more music and pics of women...
Breton Girl, you really take this all very seriously!? Ok, the one "baby-poem" wasn't composed by BB, I am going to correct this soon, if that makes you feel better...:p
Ok, my apologies, you're NOT greg!
I must admit there was too much things against you, and i hate greg so much that i was thinking it was his disturbed mind who created this blog... And your post @ Isbum's was looking a lot like a greg's one.
Just one thing... I couldn't say i like the name of the blog (personnal reason), but i think your idea is pretty good... So please could you put something under your blog like "a place for everyones who hates greg"... Not only for myself, but right now i think there's a lot of people who strongly believe you're greg...
And for the Constantino post, i still think it's a fake. Greg, maybe (no joke)... Constantino is a nice guy, he knows me from the begining of his blog and he's nice with me...
Oh, and one last thing: i'm not bi, i'm totally lesbian! :p
I second what Breton Girl said, you aren't Greg BB :-).
I am very sorry to accused you ...
It was because I tought that Greg wanted to disturbes us a new time, and you suddenly appeared under the name of Breton Bitch (favourite Greg's insult for Breton Girl). So, my appologizes BB :-).
So, as for your precedent comment, you said "make sure that Greg do not see what I tell you".
Would you want me to erase it ? Or I can keep it ?
And if I undertstand well, you're against Greg, and you hate him too ?
So, you're with us to disturbes and shitting Greg ? =)
Bye !
Hi friends,
I'm glad we could work things out!
You can leave my previous comments up, I don't care if Greg's seen them now or not...
Could you maybe change your essay where you say mine was Greg's new blog and set things right?
So I hope now you can start to accept the BB and visit my blog without hesitation. I always appreciate suggestions and feedback...
Maybe you could post something at my blog, so the others can see we're a team now.
I will soon leave a last Greg-related comment at YDHTVTB: to never speak of that person again there. That stuff can now take place at my blog.
Make use of the polls or leave some requests. I'd gladly upload more stuff, but there's already so much out there that I'd rather try to fill specific requests maybe. I try to come up with some REAL rarities (if any are left?) anyways...
See you soon.
(I hope Isbum didn't get too angry because of my post, I better be quiet to him...)
@ breton girl (like we sisters now ;p)
If the nickname is too painful (=reminds you of Greg) I can post as "BB" while Greg is quiet and only let the "bitch" out when he produces his shit again?
Blog-name unfortunately should stay, so Greg will never forget what a person he (it) is!
Hello BB ! :-)
I already erased the part of my article wich say your blog is a Greg's blog, don't worry, and sorry again ...
I have some requests, but I guess you won't upload horror movie scores in your blog, right ?
I already voted in some of your polls, etc ...
If you wanna see what I'm looking for, go at the bottom of my blog page, there's a list. But when I write "FOUND" next to the request, it's because I found it, okay ? :-)
And do not hesit to download my rips, bootlegs, and scores from my blog !
Of course, I would like you to let me a comment, to say what you took, thanks ! :-)
BB, you could left you're original name, now i know you're not greg, i'm ok with it. ;)
I'll post my request on your blog soon, maybe today... Oh, and i vote "disgust" for greg. :p
Hi Ghoulies,
I might upload some horrorscores if I got something someone wants.
I checked your want-list, but unfortunately I don't have anything you're looking for (yet).
@ breton girl
warlock left a comment at my blog and what I could tell from his (nice) french response I think he believes BB is you! ;p
I love those "comedy of error's"
type of movies.
This is "mistaken identity" comedy at it's best.
Will breton girl be accused of being greg?
Remember when someone suggested that greg was actually nomwl1's dark side??
I'll admit it, I thought for a brief moment that ghoulies might be another one of greg's alias'.
But then it hit me...greg wouldn't know how to put a video loop in his posting image.
Oh yeah, and speak French. ;)
No, we finally admit that Breton Bitch was not Greg.
And Greg isn't anyone else there ... Notme, not Breton Girl, he's simply a madman wich is Greg.
I hope he won't return there, he's really a s**t there, isn't he's the same in your blog ? (But we have banned him from our blogs, now :-))
I'm so quotable!
@ Isbum
A "comedy of errors" indeed, though I only detect ONE single error in the entire chain of arguments! ;)
On the other hand, isn't it pretty suspicious that Isbum's blog succeeded right after another got ruined? ;)
Enough picking, this is neither the time nor the place...
@ Isbum, after reading your comment at BB's, i was thinking you told something harsh about greg, but you tell nothing bad - just the truth... :p
Ghoulies is not greg (he's a nice guy, HIM) - and i'm not BB. ;) Both are gentle and nice people who got some gret blogs! :))
It's all very confusing. BB is not BG, and Not Greg is not Greg. Yes? Anyhow, the war is now over, Soundtrack Rarities has ceased to be, it is no more. Greg brought ALL of this on himself, and can now wallow in the mess of his own making.
To all those who fought the good fight, in whatever fashion... salut:))
You're right filmpac.
Breton Girl, Breton Bitch, Not Greg, Greg and me are 5 differents persons.
Merci filmpac,
if some "fashion" of our fight was ill-toned or mishap, it was because you-know-who set such an offensive tone/fashion in the first place...
I'd also like to express my thanks and appreciation to the following people:
-Breton Girl
-Not Greg
-all silent and anonymous friends who did not want to get their hands dirty themselves
Long live Soundtrack Sharity!
@ Ghoulies & everybody
I just received an anonymous/Greg post at my blog.
It went kinda like this:
"You f***ing children will never get rid of me, I swear"
It was a joy to erase it :)
Ok, thanks for the info BB. You should showing that one in your blog (or have you already did that ?).
Why i couldn't have the joy to delete greg's comments too??? :( By the way even the death of his blod didn't stop to poo.
Ghoulies, il t'a déja posté quelque chose ici, ces dernières heures? ;p
@ Breton Girl :
Non, Greg ne m'a pas laissé de message anonyme ou avec son nom ici, c'est étonnant, mais tant mieux :-).
Thanks for updating your essay/news section and linking to my blog.
I read Brody's message. :(
Attax also closed his blog today. :(
We should be careful to stay away from in-print V@rè$e records.
Should be not too difficult.
Let's just focus on OOP, Promo and Rips then to minimize trouble.
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