vendredi 20 juillet 2007

Troll - 1986 (Richard Band)

This is a Richard Band's score performed for "Troll", a nice horror movie of 80's (like many others ...)
So here's the score for this movie, enjoy !

4 commentaires:

The Fiji Mermaid a dit…

THANKS! I remember just a bit from this score. I can't wait to hear it.

Gumdrop a dit…

The file seems to be faulty :{
It would be wonderful if you could upload it again.

Gumdrop a dit…

The file seems to be faulty :{
It would be wonderful if you could upload it again.

FloW a dit…

Oh Damn... the link is dead...
Please, can you re-up this soundtrack. I love it, songs are beautiful *_*
Send me a mail to tell me when the link is activate.
Thanks ;)